South Carolina Registered Agent
All corporations and LLCs formed or registered to do business in South Carolina are required to appoint a South Carolina registered office and a South Carolina registered agent. The registered agent is authorized to accept service of process and legal documents for a business entity.
What is a South Carolina Registered Agent?
South Carolina registered agents are a person or entity designated by a company to receive official communications on its behalf. Most are in the business of being a registered agent. Others are simply individual residents of the State of South Carolina. All registered agents in South Carolina must have a physical presence in the state and occupy the registered office address during normal business hours to accept service of process on behalf of companies listing that person or company as their resident agent. That means registered agents cannot have a P.O. box as their registered office; they must have a physical address where they can accept official notices and mail.
Why You Need a South Carolina Registered Agent
You need to know when someone notifies you of a lawsuit. When you create a corporation or LLC, you are creating an entity without the ability to communicate on its own. A registered agent in South Carolina accepts communication on behalf of a South Carolina business entity and ensures those responsible for the entity are made aware of the notice or service of process the agent has received on entity’s behalf.
The requirement to designate a South Carolina registered agent may seem like an inconvenience, but you’re forming a company; a company that people might have problems with and may get sued someday. It’s important to have a reliable way to be notified when someone needs to contact you with a legal problem or tax notice. That’s why South Carolina registered agents are important.
Change Your South Carolina Registered Agent
Changing registered agents in South Carolina is a simple and inexpensive process. All that is required is to file the Change of Registered Agent or Registered Office form with the South Carolina Secretary of State. The form costs $10 to file. The change of registered agent usually takes about two business days for the secretary of state to process.
How to Become a Registered Agent in South Carolina
Generally, the registered agent may be an individual or an entity authorized to do business in the state. South Carolina has some restrictions regarding what type of entity may serve as registered agent. For example, the registered agent for a corporation may be an individual, a corporation, or a nonprofit corporation authorized to do business in South Carolina. The registered agent for an LLC may be an individual, a corporation, an LLC or a foreign company authorized to do business in South Carolina.
The main requirement of being a registered agent in South Carolina is that you have a physical address in South Carolina where you can accept physical mail from process servers. That means you must have an actual address—not a virtual office or P.O. box—where you’ll be available to receive service of process during normal business hours.
Why use Registered Agents Inc. in South Carolina?
- Experience
We’re one of the largest registered agent service providers in South Carolina. This is what we do—every day, all day. - Reliability
We handle service of process every day. Through high-class design and experience, we have been able to eliminate errors from our systems. - Speed
We scan your legal documents to you in real time from our registered office in South Carolina. - Quality Address
Our addresses are commercial offices focused purely on registered agent service. - Quality Service
We may not be the cheapest, but we are and will always be the premium choice.
Whether you’ve just formed your first company or are seeking a high-end registered agent to provide service to vast numbers of South Carolina businesses, Registered Agents Inc. As your South Carolina registered agent, we will notify you in real time when we receive any legal documents on behalf of your company or your clients company. No one does South Carolina registered agent service better than Registered Agents Inc.