Rhode Island Registered Agent

What is a Rhode Island Registered Agent?

Registered agents in Rhode Island are tasked with the duty of receiving and accepting all service of process and official notifications on a business’ behalf. Every corporation or LLC in Rhode Island is required by law to have a registered agent. Rhode Island registered agents serve as a business’ main point of contact with the world. If an LLC or corporation in Rhode Island is sued, the Rhode Island registered agent will be served with the legal paperwork (service of process). For these reasons, Registered Agents Inc. believes Rhode Island registered agents serve a vital role in every business registered in the state, and we are dedicated to providing the best service possible.

Rhode Island Registered Agent Requirements

Rhode Island’s statutes hold registered agents operating in the states accountable for only the most basic of services. A Rhode Island registered agent’s duties are outlined below:

  • Have a Physical Address
    Registered agents must have a registered office in Rhode Island. This registered office can be any type of physical residence where mail and service of process can be delivered and accepted in person. A home, business, or office suite number will all suffice as an adequate registered office address. P.O. boxes and virtual offices are unacceptable.
  • Be Available
    A registered agent in Rhode Island must be generally available to accept service of process during regular business hours (9 am to 5 pm).
  • Accept Service of Process
    The primary duty of all registered agents in Rhode Island is to accept service of process on behalf of the business to which the agent has been appointed. The registered agent must accept service from a process server and forward the documents the agent has received to the individuals in charge of the business entity involved in the lawsuit.
  • Receive Official Notices
    During their tenure as a Rhode Island business’ registered agent, agents will receive other important documents like tax notifications and annual report reminders on behalf of the business entity they serve and must be capable of forwarding those legal documents as well.

Unlike registered agents in higher profile states like Delaware and Wyoming, Rhode Island registered agents are not required to keep communication contact information on file.

Rhode Island does not have any commercial registered agent requirements requirement. As far as Rhode Island statutes are concerned, an individual serving a registered agent for one business is equal to a company serving as a registered agent for thousands of businesses.

Rhode Island Registered Agent Service Overview

When you hire Registered Agents Inc. for registered agent service in Rhode Island, or in any other state, you’ll receive much more than the fulfillment of our statutory duties.

Whether you’re hiring us as a registered agent for your own company or your clients’ companies, each registered agent order includes:

  • A Secure, Online Account
    When we receive any notification on behalf of a Rhode Island business for which we have been hired to serve as registered agent, we’ll scan an upload the document from our local office to the client’s online account. There, the client can track and view every notification and reminder we’ve ever sent them.
  • Fast Notification
    Why are we so fast? Unlike other national registered agent providers, we don’t forward documents to a scanning hub where they are then scanned and uploaded. We scan and upload from the office where we received a client’s documents. This saves time, reduces errors, and ensures the client knows the accurate status of their business.
  • Intuitive Design
    Clients will not need a webinar or in-house consultation to use registered agent notification system. Through years of modifications and high-level design, we’ve created an easy-to-use and efficient notification system that will leave no client in the dark.
  • A Vast Network
    As a reliable, national registered agent, every client account includes a seamless extension that provides access to every state form a business might need to file. Plus, if a client needs to add coverage in a new state, we have them covered.
  • Supreme Service
    Any client that requires help will get it. Our customer service agents are skilled and knowledgeable. We strive to be the best in the business.

How to Change Rhode Island Registered Agents

Changing registered agents in Rhode Island is a fast and simple process.

  1. Hire a new registered agent in Rhode Island
  2. Complete the Rhode Island Change of Agent form or file online
  3. Pay the $20 filing fee

The state form is fairly simple. You’ll need to list the following:

  • Entity ID number
  • Business name
  • Current registered office address
  • New registered office address
  • Name of current registered agent
  • Name of new registered agent
  • Signature of filer

It will take the Rhode Island Secretary of State seven days to process the filing if you file by mail. If you file online you can print your confirmation.

Becoming a Rhode Island Registered Agent

The requirements for becoming a registered agent are fairly simple:

  1. You must have a Rhode Island address where you can physically receive and accept service of process.
  2. You must be available during normal business hours to receive service of process.
  3. You must be able to forward service of process accepted on behalf of a business to the designated business.

Those are the basic registered agent qualifications in Rhode Island.

The Importance of Registered Agents in Rhode Island

A Rhode Island registered agent will be responsible for handling a business’ most private legal documents, and for ensuring that business is aware of any pending lawsuits against it.

Registered Agents Inc. holds its responsibilities to your business in the highest of regards. If you’re searching for a registered agent for your business or for your clients’ businesses, these are the reasons why you should choose Registered Agents Inc.:

  1. Experience
    We’re one of the largest registered agent service providers in Rhode Island. Registered agent service is what we provide—every day, all day.
  2. Reliability
    Through high-class design and experience, we have been able to eliminate errors from our systems.
  3. Speed
    We scan your legal documents to you in real time from our registered office in Rhode Island.
  4. Quality Address
    Our addresses are commercial offices focused purely on registered agent service.
  5. Quality Service
    Our prices will always be competitive and Registered Agents Inc. is and will always be the premium choice.

Whether you’ve just formed your first company or are seeking a high-end registered agent to provide service to vast numbers of Rhode Island businesses, Registered Agents Inc. As your Rhode Island registered agent, we will notify you in real time when we receive any legal documents on behalf of your company or your clients company. No one does Rhode Island registered agent service better than Registered Agents Inc.