New Jersey Registered Agent
Every formal business entity in New Jersey (LLCs, corporations, LPs, LLPs, etc.) is required by state law to appoint a registered agent. New Jersey registered agents accept service of process on behalf of the business to which they’ve been appointed to serve. In lay terms, that means New Jersey registered agents are who receives notice of a lawsuit when a business entity like an LLC or corporation is sued. That is their primary purpose, but it’s not a New Jersey registered agent’s only duty. Registered agents in New Jersey also receive annual reports, tax notifications, and other important mail from the state.
In short, New Jersey registered agents are a New Jersey business entity’s official point of contact.
New Jersey’s Registered Agent Requirements
State law stipulates that in order to be a registered agent, an individual or company must:
- Be a person over the age of 18 or a business entity authorized to do business in New Jersey
- Have an actual street address in New Jersey where service of process can be physically delivered, known as the registered office
How to Be a New Jersey Registered Agent
By studying the New Jersey Business Corporation Act, the following becomes apparent: to be a New Jersey registered agent, the primary requirement is that you have a physical address where you can accept service of process on behalf of a business entity.
New Jersey Registered Agent Service Overview
When you hire Registered Agents Inc. for New Jersey registered agent service, or in any other state, we’ll do more than just fulfill our basic registered agent duties, as prescribed by the state.
Whether you hire us for your own company or for your clients’ companies, each registered agent service order includes:
- A Secure, Online Account
When we receive any notification or service of process on behalf of a business entity in New Jersey, we’ll scan an upload the document from our local office to the client’s online account. Clients are able track and view every notification and reminder we’ve ever sent them in their online account, which they can access from anywhere they have an internet connection. - Immediate Alerts
Unlike other national registered agent providers, we don’t forward documents to scanning hubs where documents are then scanned and uploaded. We scan and upload from the office where we received a client’s documents. That saves time (scans sent minutes after we receive a document), reduces errors (we leave no document behind), and ensures the client knows the accurate status of their business (if your business is named in a lawsuit, you’ll know as soon as we do). - Intuitive Technology
Clients will not need a webinar or in-house consultation to use registered agent notification system. Through years of modifications and high-level design, we’ve created an easy-to-use and efficient notification system that will leave no client in the dark. - A National Network
As a national registered agent, every client account includes access to every New Jersey form a business may need to file. Also, if a client needs to add coverage in a new state, we have them covered. - Smart Customer Service
Any client that requires help will be able to talk to our skilled and knowledgeable customer service agents. We strive to be the best in the business.
How to Change Registered Agents in New Jersey
The easiest way to change your New Jersey registered agent is to file the change and pay the $25 fee online. Online filings are fast and easy. The change is completed in one business day.
You may also change your registered agent by filing the Change for by mail, fax, or in person. Each method of filing the form has very specific requirements, so we recommend making sure you have original signatures, a coversheet, and duplicates if required.
Why New Jersey Registered Agents are Important
New Jersey registered agents are responsible for receiving and forwarding some of a business entity’s most private documents. Some business owners might consider New Jersey’s registered agent requirement a nuisance, but at Registered Agents Inc. we take our responsibility serious and do our best to make a statutory requirement an invaluable service.
With every Registered Agents Inc. order in New Jersey, each client will sensational registered agent service in New Jersey. This is why clients choose us:
- Experience
We’re one of the largest registered agent service providers in New Jersey. Registered agent service is our business—every day, all day. - Reliability
Through high-class design and experience, we have been able to eliminate errors from our systems. Your documents will not be lost and you will know when we accept any communication on your company’s behalf. - Speed
We scan your legal documents to you in real time from our New Jersey registered office. If you hire us for service in another state, we’ll scan and upload document from our registered office in that state. We’re everywhere your business needs us to be. - Quality Address
Our addresses are commercial offices focused purely on registered agent service. - Quality Service
Our prices will always be competitive and Registered Agents Inc. is and will always be the premium choice.
Whether you’ve just formed your first company or are seeking a high-end registered agent to provide service to vast numbers of New Jersey businesses, Registered Agents Inc. As your New Jersey registered agent, we will notify you in real time when we receive any legal documents on behalf of your company or your clients company. No one does New Jersey registered agent service better than Registered Agents Inc.