Balancing Privacy and Transparency in Wyoming
At Registered Agents Inc., we believe the Wyoming LLC is the most transparent corporate entity in America.
As Wyoming registered agents, we are required to know our customers, and we take that responsibility very seriously. We maintain contact information for all companies we represent, run our customer base through the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and instantly respond to legal corporate records requests from authorities across the globe.
There is no such thing as an anonymous LLC in America. Sure, you can file and form an LLC in Wyoming and not use it, but if you want to use the LLC to hold assets, run a business or put money into it, you need a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Beneficial Ownership Filing Number, and you can’t even get a bank account without a Federal EIN. The federal government and all local authorities can instantly get access to any and all private corporate records in Wyoming if they go through the proper channels.
What’s so innovative and amazing about doing business in Wyoming is that we value privacy and honesty. We provide a structure that doesn’t force you to list your home address, cell phone, email, or private corporate structure on public documents that expose your information to people who do not need it. A sheriff, police officer, attorney general, inspector, or anyone with any kind of authority can find out who owns everything through the Wyoming, IRS, or FinCEN channels.
We saw this as a unique opportunity to help people, and we’ve grown at an incredible rate because of this. Thank you to the innovative Wyoming legislators who created such a unique opportunity. You’ll find innovation is at the heart of Wyomingites. We estimate that our company alone has brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in economic benefits to small businesses in Wyoming, because our clients have filed their incorporation paperwork in the state, and helped create thousands of local Wyoming jobs from ancillary services our clients need.
Our Commitment to Client Privacy and Data Security
We take our customers’ privacy seriously and are committed to never selling customer data. We comply with lawful requests for information from legitimate government authorities but don’t share customer information with people or entities who have no right to it.
We also have a culture of privacy within our company, and you’ll find most of our team members are similarly minded. Why? Because we’re not here for accolades or prestige. We’re here for you, our clients.
That confuses some people. It has confused some reporters and even some ex-employees who didn’t understand our corporate structure or our company culture. To those focused on prestige and status, a company culture focused on just doing good work can be hard to fathom.
We’re a registered agent service and our primary role is to receive service of process on our clients’ behalf. And we’re here to support good people doing good work that positively impacts their local communities.
What started out 15 years ago as a simple idea to keep the large corporate conglomerates and their predatory fees out of our communities has pivoted into a very nice and effective small business in Wyoming doing work at a national scale. The future is bright. We look forward to keeping on innovating for our customers, our employees, and our communities.
More About Registered Agents Inc. Ownership:
While we’re smaller and not even close to being on the same map, we’ve based our ownership structure on two companies we greatly admire: Lego® and Patagonia.
Our ownership is in a trust and foundation. We structured our ownership initially after the Lego corporate structure. A sustainable company structured to last hundreds of years. We also have many private inspirational generational business owners in Wyoming that have focused more on the product and solutions than prestige and press that have inspired us as well. But Lego, a great initial product and a culture of continual innovation, has stood the test of time. A company that pays well and gives back to their community.
In the US, foundations cannot hold a large percentage of for-profit enterprises. We have recently been re-inspired by the Patagonia corporate structuring many foundations into a cohesive group to control the Patagonia brand with a mission of giving back to the world instead of corporate profits. Our trust was established with restrictive clauses only available in Wyoming with the initial intent to give control of Registered Agents Inc. to its leadership while making it almost impossible to sell out to a large national corporate conglomerate. Our purpose is to provide amazing business solutions to our customers, amazing jobs that provide actual living wages and benefits to our employees, and to give back to the communities we are a part of.